
周志高 提交于 周六, 06/20/2020 - 13:31

1. Number drill: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.... 先按顺序让学生背记、指认,后乱序让学生指认。 Use cards to 

2. role pay, question and answer. Look at No. 1 “Is this your pen”? Nod head to the student and encourage him to say: Yes, it is.   Or shake head to the student and encourage him to say: No, it isn’t.

3. pattern drill:

Pattern 1: 

  T: Look at No. 1, Is this your pen? (nod your head to elicit response from the student: Yes, it is; or shake your head to elicit response from the student: No, it isn’t.) (tell the student isn’t = is not)

Pattern 2: 

T: Is this your pen?

S: No, it isn’t my pen, it is your pen. (tell the student isn’t = is not)


4. Vocabulary and patterns:

T: Is this a desk? (Nod your head to elicit “Yes, it is” or shake your head to elicit “No, it is not” or “It is not my pen, it is your pen.")

Let the student make poster with new word referring to stuff in his room, for example: desk, chair, sofa, floor, ceiling, lighting, cabinet, kitchen, door, window, wall, hand, head, nose, ear, arm, leg, etc.

5. If the student get tired, learn penguin’s game, left, left, right, right, turn around, go, go, go.
